Tuesday, November 30, 2004

LA versus SF

Just being back one day and I notice such a vast difference between LA and SF, or at least my lifestyles here and there. In SF, I eat like a pig-king. Seriously. I eat a lot and a lot of really good food. And it's not just when I live at home...I remember living in the city and eating really well in general - going out, shopping at Whole Foods, that whole jazz. The lifestyle in SF is this - you work to live...the job simply supports lifestyle.

LA, it's the opposite. You live to work. I essentially spend my money on work - dropping coin to make films, etc. Today I haven't eaten shit - an apples and some pretzels...and I'm about to eat some crap at the UV for lunch. Good food is around, but not ubiquitous. In Marin and SF, good food is everywhere and it sings to you like a siren. My mom cooks well. SF makes me want to cook well. LA makes me want to eat quickly so I can get down to business.

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