Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Goddamn Immigrants

Ahhh, NPR, always offering up something interesting. Here is an 8 minute piece about race relations in Fremont. The twist: some excellent Fremont public schools are dominated by wealthly immigrant Asians and the whites are now complaining about assimilation...the same whites who 50 years ago fled the city because of too many colored folks. Gotta love the irony.

The whole public education thing is super tough. The same issue gets raised on a state-wide scale with respect to parcel taxes, which are local community taxes on land that get fed directly into the school system. Wealthy areas voluntarily tax themselves a little more on their expensive land and hence get better public schools. Many think it's unfair because that money should be distributed equally to all California school children, rich or poor. The problem is, if it were, the wealthy parents wouldn't volunteer to pay the tax, and would likely send their kids to private school. So what do we do? School vouchers? Ahhh...beeep, beeep, beep, that's a Republican word...

I find it funny whenever whites complain about people not integrating - but I must say, that I somewhat agree. What makes America great is integration - both in the private and public sphere. We should aspire to be the melting pot, and not the salad bowl many fear we are becoming. But I don't blame only the immigrants for not assimilating...it's like going to a party. Sometimes, if a guest isn't having a good time, it's because they're a sourpuss, but sometimes it's because the host throws a shitty party with shitty music and bad alcohol and food and it's tough to have a good time.

In general, from what I've seen, Asian parents push their kids too hard - but they do good in school and aren't blowing up airplanes, so what do I care?

Goddamn immigrants, always causing one sort of a problem or another. :)

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