Monday, November 15, 2004

If Rice Replaces Powell

Will anyone think twice about the fact the first black Secretary of State is going to be replaced by the first black female Secretary of State...or note that the past three secretary of state's have been a female first generation American, an African American who attended City College of New York, and a single African American women in her mid-40s.

Not to mention this is happening in a Republican administration...and no one is suggesting race has a thing to do with anything because is so clearly doesn't.

Only in America.

UPDATE: A friend was a bit confused about this post and what I was trying to say. To clarify: America is a country with a deep history of racial division and racism, predominantly against blacks. My only point is that we've come a long way in the past 40 the point in which it isn't a big deal that a single, African American women is now secretary of state. I think it's a testament how far we've come. Sure, there are still problems, some of them racial, but goddamn, isn't it kind of amazing?

Can you imagine the faces of Sudanese leaders when Condi smiles warmly at them, asking them to prevent militias from raping black women for the sole reason of being black...and them knowing if they don't stop, she can and will unleash an air strike, destroying an entire militia with a single plane, perhaps piloted by a women with a couple of kids at home?

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