Friday, January 31, 2020


Film: Wonder Woman (1st half of the movie)

Fairly typical super hero origin story so far. I rather like the WW1 setting. Gal Gadot has charm, but very little skill as an actress. Script is exactly what you'd expect. What most surprised me was the lack of any directorial POV. Patty Jenkins basically imitated Zack Snyder's DC universe slow motion action technique he invented with 300 and Watchmen. From afar, it seems her contribution is 1) to put a female name on the poster 2) approve of a few snarky "feminist" lines to get cheap laughs from angry women.

Am I missing something?

My favorite parts so far are Gal Gadot being child like and totally out of place in the world.

Why is it not commonly discussed that all the screenwriters were men?

TV: The Outsider S1E4 and Curb S10e2

Outsider is losing my interest...supernatural puzzles tend to bore me...

Larry David still on fire. The videotaping of hook up attempt on the date is one of most genius comedy bits of our era. How SNL didn't think of this tell you everything you need to know about its decline.
If You Want to Be Disgusted...

To be hired by UC, you now must pass what amounts to a political test touting your contributions to diversity. Note: it is not enough that you "are" diverse, rather you must promote "diversity" and we all know what that means.

And you wonder why Trump is President. This is why.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Podcasts: 1% Improvement with Tyler Cowen and Joe Rogan and Bari Weiss

Things I took away on self improvement front:

1) Find and utilize mentors/coaches
2) Focus on activity and work that will generate compound returns
3) Receive enough feedback and take feedback seriously

Things I want to apply to teaching:

1) Less introduction / small talk, etc and applying a more shotgun of information approach to students (which I sort of already do, but maybe can take it to a greater extreme).

Things I learned that's just sort of interesting general knowledge:

1) The argument about Israel's right to exist is absurd. How come Israel is the only country in the world where Western intellectuals take seriously the question of whether it has a right to exist? What kind of question is this? Israel exists. Bari Weiss makes a good analogy, it's like asking whether it is a good idea to have a baby AFTER the baby is born. The question is irrelevant and over. The question of whether Jews should integrate into societies or have their own was from the 1920s-1950s - a question pretty much settled after the Holocaust. And for anyone who thinks that event was an anomaly, ask the Kurds, the Copts, or the Zoroastrians how life goes without a land of their own.

Film: Transit

Pretty awesome concept - the film is an adaptation of a 1940s era tale of escaping fascism but set in the present day with all our current technologies, etc. The effect is a disorienting dream like quality that cinema can do so well. The elevator pitch might be: Casablanca meets The Conformist but as good as that sounds, it maybe doesn't QUITE live up to the premise. I thoroughly enjoyed the first act and thought the movie got less interesting as it went on even though the twists and turns are pretty good on paper. I almost felt like I wanted the film to get bigger versus more intimate, if that makes any sense.

Friday, January 24, 2020

What Our Elites Believe

I'm no fan of populism on a gut, DNA level. I don't trust the average joe or the average crowd to get "it" right, whatever "it" is. But I should also add, I don't really trust the powerful (ie the elites) much either. Because here's what our elites don't believe in:

1) Free Speech. They aren't willing to fight for it. On any front. The only test of whether you believe in free speech is whether you're willing to a) fight for speech which you vehemently disagree or b) willing to face financial and personal repercussions for exercising that speech. University campuses, the media, and even some governments (Canada and the UK) are already conceding A. And in fact, they are on the opposite side of the free speech debate - they are active in silencing unwoke speech, whereas they ought to be fighting FOR it. But level B is equally disconcerting to me. Journalists, NBA players, politicians, etc aren't willing to face the music of the mob because they love their jobs and paychecks more than their freedom. And PS - this is why we have Trump because only an arrogant, narcissistic fame whore is willing to stand up to the woke mobsters and the Chinese government. I don't think our elites have a right to complain about Trump unless they are willing to acknowledge their own cowardice in the face of those who oppose fundamental American and liberal principles.

2) They don't really believe global warming is a catastrophe. If anyone actually believed this was an existential crisis, they take the layup solution: nuclear power. What they prefer instead is the power to tell their fellow citizens how to behave.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Slow Day

I was on the internet and read a headline that said "Socks are more expensive than ever." I almost clicked on it but then realized it said "Stocks are more expensive than ever," so I did not.
Food For Thought

"An estimated 1,000 private jet flights to and from Davos to publicly worry about climate change."

TV: Curb Season 10, E. 1

Larry David on fire. All I'll say...
Dream Hoarders

What a great term.
Unfortunately, the Dream Hoarders — and I include myself in their number — are a much bigger problem for the rest of America than the billionaires whose wealth Warren promises to expropriate. Those billionaires got that way by building companies that disrupted cozy local monopolies, and they fund coding camps for high-school dropouts; Dream Hoarders protect their professional licensing regimes and insist on ever more extensive and expensive educations in the people they hire. Dream Hoarders also pull every lever to keep their own housing prices high — and poorer kids out of their schools — while using their wealth to carefully guide their children over the hurdles they’ve erected.
Sums it up well.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The New York Times

Endorsed both Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar for President. Nothing could be more millenial.

It reminds me of asking a few millenials who listened to the Serial podcast whether they thought Adnan killed Hae Min Lee or was he innocent and they said both.

So why not choose two Presidents while we're at it.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Film: One Eyed Jacks

Rewatch. Several things stood out story wise. 1) Takes what amounts to a simple tale of man being done wrong and seeking revenge and milks terrific emotional moments from the scenario. The example that stood out to me: the betrayal itself. Karl Malden does not intend to betray Marlon Brando, but when he drops a little gold and the rancher and son know he's a bank robber, he realizes his changes of survival have slimmed and thus decides to ditch his friend. 2) The patience and twists and turns toward the end of the film. I thought the pacing slowed down a bit too much for my taste, but it was all in service of again building emotional character moments.

TV: The Outsider

Richard Price crime drama. Count me in! I think the supernatural elements thus far are the least interesting parts...feels like we are heading for a resolution that feels like a cheat.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Alternative to Vaccines

You can't say Facebook isn't a forum for great ideas.
AB 5

Strange local news interview with the author of AB 5, the "no freelancing" bill now law in California.

I'll admit to having mixed feelings on the law. I agree with some of the intent - shady employers can (and will) make their workers "freelance" to avoid paying SS tax, healthcare, etc. But my question is whether this law changes that? Or will the employers just lay off the freelancers like Vox already did.

And regardless of whether the law is a "good" law, the author does a pretty damn terrible job of explaining it.

She keeps insisting in the interview that anyone who is a true independent business can still set up a sole proprietorship. On this point, she keeps repeating, the law doesn't effect real "freelancers." Also, Uber and Lyft drivers and truck drivers are all exempt for some reason. So my question is: why write the law? And especially, why did you write the law so broadly?

A lot of the pushback has come from "freelance" journalists. The bill author insists the freelance journalists aren't "real" freelancers since they are often employed by a single employer. But as any writer can tell you -- all writers aren't "real" writers until they are. Meaning, people need to get their start. They need to take underpaid gigs to get the "reps." This would be like saying a basketball player isn't a real basketball player unless they are playing in the NBA. Well, guess where all those NBA players were once playing bball? On organized teams. Or playgrounds, or college. This distinction she makes has nothing to do with the reality of freelance journalism (and I'm sure other freelance jobs as well). The author of the bills doesn't seems to understand this at all.

ADDENDUM: I call this "result" thinking versus "process" thinking. Results thinkers are always looking backwards and make a real mistake when they try and engineer the wrong way. It's the sony executives who buy a movie studio and decide they are only going to make hit movies because a lot movies lose money. They're folks who see lottery winners on tv and then decide to go out and buy a ticket.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Gavin Newsom

His biggest priority will be to tackle homelessness in 2020.

This would be like Donald Trump announcing his 2020 priority to create goodwill with Mexico.

Sunday, January 05, 2020

2020 Ideas (Not Resolutions)

1) Start riding a bike.
2) Watch less sports on tv and more live in person
3) Write every day
4) Read more varied books, ie long pretentious novels, biographies, foreign authors vs. genre fiction, as an example
5) Listen to podcasts from which I can learn vs. podcasts which entertain
6) Teach my eldest son to read
7) Eat better
8) Play less fantasy sports
NFL Football

Watching only the last few minutes of each playoff game has given me great pleasure this weekend. I feel like I saved 3.5 hours of life.

Saturday, January 04, 2020


Calls the killing of Soleimani "an attack against brown and black people."

Somebody ought to tell Kaepernick that Persians consider themselves Caucasians.

Friday, January 03, 2020

Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax

Someone should make her measure her own wealth and the wealth of 10 close family members, just to see if she could do it before beta testing the idea on the entire country.

Because here are some problems:
But a little peek into this sausage factory should leave you wondering, just why are these the rules of the game? Why do we care (should we care) so much about the distribution of something that is essentially impossible to measure or define? If you are making money was a partner in an LLC you help to run, why should anyone care about a fictitious accounting "value" of that partnership? You can't sell it! Why start with pretax income? If you pay half your income in taxes, does that not halve the value of the asset? Why does "wealth" include the value of proprietor and partnership income but not labor income or social security income?
Good luck.
The Whole Nazi Thing

For anyone all who wonders what "they would've done" had they been alive when the Fascists rose to power in the 1930s -- they can know -- but simply looking at how they behave in the face of the CCP.

For most people the answer is: ignore, buy cheap products made by them, and tacitly approve because it does not impact their every day lives. In worse cases, they take the bribe money (the NBA). So there you have your answer folks -- you would've stood right by -- and done nada.

The UN just concluded at a Tribunal the CCP tortured and harvested the organs of an unknown number of Falun Gong practitioners (there were 70 million at one point) and continue the same practices with the Uygher population today.

You will read very little on twitter about it. Kaepernick will not take a knee about it. And meanwhile, Americans will invest in emerging market stock funds -- thus lining the pockets of the CCP.