Monday, January 23, 2006


I got a few comments on the race post, mostly disputing my claims.

Today, there's an article that discusses the very same subject.

The article argues that white liberal politicians have exploited black grievance (and more in general, all minority grievance) for political power. Democrats have constantly "felt the pain" of blacks and other minority groups, encouraging grievance, thereby securing the voting block. No demographic has been more loyal to the democratic party than the black vote. Ironically, once secure with this power, the Democratic party has little incentive to helping minorities overcome (to use MLKs words) past and present injustices. They simply have incentives to pander to their grievance. He gives examples in the article.

There is no doubt minorities and particularly blacks, have had rougher histories than the white race in this country. The question is how we deal with these past and present injustices - do we grieve and bemoan them or do we overcome them and make the country a more fair place?

The article seems to think a Hillary vs. Condi 2008 election will highlight this vast difference. Hillary embodies white liberalism who plays lip service to feeling black pain, but underneath is smugly condescending, counting upon being depicted as the "less-racist" party and hoping to exploit grievance. Condi, on the other hand, embodies overcoming racism, a child of the segregated south, she has risen to become one of the most powerful woman on the planet.

If a Condi presidency could symbolize that the issue of racial injustice in America has been conquered, and the rest we have to do is clean-up, well, I'd vote for her, almost on that issue alone (so long as she doesn't surrender to Al Queda).

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