Monday, January 23, 2006

German/Designer Board Games

It's the next big least for me. So big, it might overtake poker. I'm serious. It is the best thing out of Germany since Thomas Mann, or those little pieces from the Berlin Wall.

Playing Modern Art the other day was awesome. It gets your mind thinking in super complicated ways and has me continuing to think about it afterwards.

Here is the Wikipedia definition of German Board games. This is seriously awesome. Think about it from a social and economic standpoint: these are cheap, simple games - costing around $20 each. They provide 1-2 hours of entertainment for 3-6 people (families) per time played. They are cerebral and get you thinking in fairly complex levels. Modern Art is basically an intro lesson into complex game theory - fairly high level math.

So let me get this straight - you can produce something cheaply, sell it at incredibly low cost, provide hours of entertainment, and get people thinking. What are we doing making movies? This is the future....beyond video games, I think. This is almost a model of what society ought to be.

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