Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bring on the Hate

Comment on my blog: "I don't believe you're half anything, you sound all-white to me."

This of course, assumes a monolithic identity for all white people and all people of color, which seems to me pretty much the worst way to view human beings, as nothing beyond their geneological heritage. But alas, if it makes it easier...

And by the tone, and please correct me if I'm being too sensitive, it sounds to me like it's supposed to be an insult - and not a funny ironic one, but rather a mean-spirited, unhappy one.

For all those out there who are angered by my blog entries, I invite them to start their own blog and write down their responses and thoughts on similar subjects.

First blog entry title suggestions for the recent anonymous comments: Why I Feel Sorry For Myself / Color = Good / Why I've Never Bothered to Visit a Third World Country / Why I'm Exactly Like Everyone Else in My Race and Different From Everyone Else

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you are so smart. No I really mean it this time. Really.