Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tired, boring, mildly funny. I heard an NPR interview the other day with the guy who wrote the lemony snickett books. It was from a few years ago and he bemoaned the fact that if they ever tried to make his books into a movie they'd probably cast jim carrey. Well, that's what they did. It's the same Jim Carrey schtick. (haven't we seen him do that dinosaur sound enough??) Tired!

2)THE WOODSMAN - didn't get to stay for the final 30 minutes, but it's a good movie. About a pedophiliac. The first hour is spent making the audience empahtize for this man (kevin bacon). We don't see what he did, we only see him struggling to fit in - and having problems. Mos Def is an exceelent actor. I'd like to know the story of the making of the film as i believe it has a fairly "independent" history.

3)THE LIFE AQUATIC - Triumph!!. I liked it more than Rushmore. Loved watching it. Full of non sequitors, which i love. There's a story, which gets lost (in a good way) because each of the characters is so entertaining. The look and feel of the thing really complimented the story.

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