Monday, December 20, 2004

Christmas Under Assault

According to a bunch of white-boys that I's a good Salon letter response.

Bill O'Reilly has taken it upon himself to "save Christmas"? How nice.

Is it too much to ask that everyone -- and I do mean everyone -- just chill out? Church and state are meant to be separate in this country. That means (among many other far more important things) no overtly religious imagery on government property. So no baby Jesus in school or at City Hall. But hey, you know what? That Christmas tree is pretty. And pagan. It's not like Jim Caviezel is nailed to it, suffering. Let it go.

Even the normally awesome Instapundit is whining about Christmas --

Maybe it's just me. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive. But when I wish a store clerk "Merry Christmas!" they often appear stunned and flummoxed for a moment, as if I've just blabbed the plans for the underground's sabotage of the train tracks in front of the secret police. I've said something highly inappropriate for the public square, and I almost expect a security guard to take me aside on the way out. . . .

Actually, it's Likeks...but quoted and agreed on by Instapundit.

Give me a break. There isn't an assault on Christmas...if anything, the over-consumerism to Christmas is the real killer. I don't think the forces of political correctness, while causing problems in many places, are wrecking havoc on Christmas.

And since when does anyone care how a store clerk responds? They see hundreds of customers a day and most likely aren't thinking about PC issues when one of them offers a Merry Christmas. They are probably more concerned about lunch break or getting paid yes, Likeks is being oversensitive.

UPDATE: Virginia Postrel seems to agree with me.

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