Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Life Aquatic and Oceans 12 Double Feature

This will not be an in-depth great review. Life Aquatic exceeded expectations and Ocean's 12 went way under...I'm not sure why I was looking forward to O12, I didn't particularly like the first one, although, I must admit it grew on me a bit after seeing it again...and I though Life Aquatic was due to suck after seeing the preview.

I think Life A will get generally panned by critics and people - it doesn't offer anything new from the Bill Murrey in Rushmore or the Anjelica Houston from Royal T. And as my friend's who I saw the movie said, "The first 30 minutes is so BORING."

But despite that, once Team Zizzou decides to steal equipment from his half-gay rival and gets met by pirates the movie picks up and became a pleasure for me to watch. Willem Dafoe is the best part of the film. Also, I thought the animation looked completely stupid in the preview, but somehow it actually worked in the movie - basically, all the animals are these florescent colored drawings.

My college roommate saw the film differently - he says, "They gave Wes Anderson 80 mil or basially a blank check to do whatever he wanted and this is all he could come up with?"

Ocean's 12 is barely worth analyzing...a surprisingly un-fun, yet hip, movie with a totally confusing and lame caper plot. What's really the last good caper film? Honestly, can anyone name a good one? Guy Ritchie makes good ones. That's about it. The original Italian Job...oh, I got it, Thomas Crowne Affair. That was a good one. Please, help me out here.

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