Monday, December 20, 2004

Good Comments, By the Way

Thanks for the comments...this one is really smart:

I think we face so much uncertainty about the way we live our lives that we thrive on any evidence of how other people behave. This is, in fact, why I read your blog even though I barely know you.

I do find that we seek evidence of how others act and behave...presumably to learn how we ought to behave...that is the role of story throughout history. The bible, for a long time served as simply a set of stories about how people ought to behave. Nowadays, more people watch films than read and can cite the bible, but the essense is the same - you don't want to be like Reese Witherspoon in Election, right? Or as a corporate boss - you ought to avoid being Lumburg from Office Space. It's similar to not behaving like Cain or Abraham or any other biblical warning.

Also, nice work on the de-Asian factor. We see this with many women, my biggest complaint is Salma Hayak, gorgeous in Desparado, slowly white-i-fied herself, losing her beautiful complexion. Despite it, I still have the hots for Salma. And of course, Michael Jackson...

Good stuff.

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