Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tony Blankley

I was going to post about Tony last week when I was listening to Left, Right, and Center because he continually makes Arianna Huffington sound like the doofus she is.

I sometimes think the whole Iraq war and my support it was a collossal mistake - mostly because how much time and money it is ultimately going to cost and whether it is worth it. But then I listen to the arguments against the war offered by Arianna Huffington, and I'm pretty sure the opposite of whatever she thinks is right. And then I feel better.

Anyhow, in Left, Right, and Center last week they were talking about the Cartoon business and Tony summed things up very well: The problem with the West and the Islamic world is that everytime we take a proactive position with respect to the Islamic World, we risk enflaming the passions and causing more extremists.

This is undoubtedly true. When we went into Afghanistan, we enflamed the passions of radical Muslims (and probably even some unradical) by invading a Muslim country. But this was obviously worth it because we dismantled the training camps and got rid of the Taliban.

In Iraq, it's a similar situation, but the jury is still out on whether the process was worth it.

Now with the cartoons, we need to ask ourselves, is it worth enflaming Islamic passions to say "look, there's no right to not be offended."

In a separate matter, he takes the White House Press Corps to task in this article. They deserve it.

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