Tuesday, February 07, 2006

He Said It, Not Me

"Zerbisias condemns those Westerners who "claim to be morally superior." Well that is absolute horseshit. I am tired of being told not to judge other cultures through my "American lens" because I don’t understand their circumstances. I believe in equal rights without regard to race, religion, color, gender or country or origin. I believe in the freedom of homosexuals to marry and live freely in society. I believe in freedom of expression, and speech, and the free exchange of ideas. I believe in kindness, compassion, consideration, and that dogs make life better. I don’t "claim to be morally superior" to those ass-hat murderers; I am morally superior."

Regarding the dogs issue...my first "run-in" with Islamic Extremism occurred in Washington D.C. in the summmer of 1998. I was interning that summer and a friend of mine had this old friend of his from grade school, an Egyptian girl, quite pretty, and quite mad. We all hung out and she was into pretty radical Islamic ideas. At the time, I thought it was kind of interesting, as I'd never really heard anyone talk this way seriously. She was hot, so it made it easier to listen to, although I quickly grew tired of her humorlessness, as I would tease her beliefs (because they are cuckoo) and she didn't like it. So one time we were at my friend's house and his dog is chilling with us and she starts going off on how dogs are filthy and she can't be around it and won't touch it, and so forth. I had had enough. I said to myself, "don't talk shit about the dog, you stupid slut," and then I proceeded to actually say, "this makes me want to throw the dog on you," so I tried to coax the dog into getting near her.

She flipped out and started screaming at me and left. My friend told me I was being kind of a jerk and insensitive. I think he was just trying to get some action.

Anyhow, I totally forgot about this girl until a couple of days after 9/11...

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