Friday, January 28, 2005

Is it Retard Day On Public Musings or Something?

First Chuck, now Avital...

The original link.

Comments, with Greg's comments included in parathesis.

That's funny - growing up, most of my math teachers were women (me too - or gay men). I was raised to believe that women could and should achieve what they want and that it was the male-dominated society that held us back, not biology (I wasn't raised to think that a male dominated society held women back - in school girls did better than boys. When I played little league, my dad started a girls softball league so my sisters could play just like me, and that league is still going instead of complaining about how a male-dominated society held anyone back, I always thought that if you had a little imagination and a little will, any girl has just as many opportunities as any boy....). In fact as I recall, there was something called the women's rights movement which served to uplift the woman's status. women didn't even have the right to vote until 1920 (thanks 4th grade history)...i'm sure they had a biological reason back then for why women shouldn't vote. (as i said in my original post - I don't give a shit.)
it's too bad you prefer to keep women in "more appropriate" roles of high school sex maniac and flaky babysitter (uhhhh - did i say women? i was talking about denise richards and elizabeth shue. I can't buy austin kucher as a nuclear scientist, either, but do I need to point that out to make a joke?). It seems as if you have a pretty low regard for sad (yeah, you know me) . are we meant to do nothing but entertain men's fantasies? (is this a bad thing?) On a personal note - you don't seem to think less of me because I'm a woman, but maybe I'm wrong... (no, you're right, I think less of you because you are a women, I would much prefer Avital with a penis and hairy chest.)
I've met enough men who don't think women are equipped to direct. (I don't think any of us are equipped to direct - yet) I actually have a very low regard for these men. (I probably do too, but I'm not sure who you're talking about) it's like things have changed so drastically for women and then i hear this ridiculousness from those men. (it's an outrage!) why are men so threatened by women? (because we all secretly want to be women, underneath, and our mothers were hard on us, and because i think it would be cool to be able to suck on my own boobs in the shower)
Feminism is not really passe, but maybe the misinterpretation of what feminism is will be soon. (yes, maybe soon we will all be able to make butt documentaries in harmony with one another)

How does one explain sarcasm?


Charles said...

I'm confused. Are you saying your entire first post about the Harvard guys comments was...SARCASM?

Charles said...

I'm confused. Are you saying your entire first post about the Harvard guys comments was...SARCASM?

Charles said...

I'm confused. Are you saying your entire first post about the Harvard guys comments was...SARCASM?

Charles said...

In our specific example (outside of what I'm coming to view as Greg's illogical ranting about Denise Richards and Elizabeth Shue) I don't think there's any major societal obstacle preventing women from reaching high levels of math and science success. In fact, Harvard, actively pursues women with the credentials to succeed in the field.