Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I had a long talk last night with a college friend that ended up being largely about American Christians. She told her story of her friend, a sweet, nice, fun, sarcastic, actor chick, who is a rabid Christian. She ran into her the other day and God told her it was selfish for her to continue being an actor and that she now was going to pursue work in the ministry with children.

Hmmm. I hate to by cynical about "Christians," for one, I happen to be one, albeit not a huge practictioner. (I couldn't even bring myself to go to church on Christmas). But regardless, I think it's a little phony to discuss God in the way my friend's friend does....I don't think most Christians think that God and Jesus are this force field presense that they have a permanant I-link to, and who help inform them about decision making. Isn't this a sign of schizophrenia?

Isn't it more reasonable to assume that Christians view Jesus and God a template for a belief system and that each Christian has a common (but individually nuanced) version of what God and Jesus mean to them and they apply their "individually nuanced Christian filter" to the surrounding world?

Anyhow, I don't have an answer to the question, it just seems to me one is a reasonable position with respect to religion and the other way is a little bit of crazy talk.

Bud damn, this Christian, Donald Sensing has a great mutha-fucking blog and he talks interestingly about the Iraq situation, as usual.

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