Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Decent Step

Thomas Friedman writes about the upcoming elections in Iraq, Palestine, and Israel - the battle between theocratic, undemocratic forces and the more tolerant, pragmatic majorities.

Why doesn't Israel crack down on these hardliners who refuse to move from the settlements on the West Bank? Wouldn't that be a sign to the world the Israelis were willing to crack down on their hardliners, and therefore have a right to demand the same from the Palestinians and Iraqis?

UPDATE: Thanks for the comment...yes, Sharon has historically been in bed with the hardliners, however, it was huge news when he went against years of Likud policy and decided to unilaterally withdraw from the West Bank. Here is an opportunity to demonstrate the adherence to his own policy. And if anyone is tough enough to stand up to the extremists, and has the street-cred to do it, it's Sharon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharon has always been in bed with the hardliners, much like Bush and the religious right in the US.