Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Balls

I was sitting in Starbucks, reading a script, sipping on tea, waiting for my shift at SPO...I'm sitting next to these couple of dudes, undergrads talking about something that seemed more important to one of them than the other. The less interested guy was italian or something, decent looking guy. Well, I'm sitting there and this girl comes up to him, in the middle of his conversation with the other guy - she's a decent looking asian girl (and when I say decent, I'm being generous), and she says to the Italian guy, "You've been my eye candy for the past half hour, I was wondering if I could get your number." She didn't say it all that smoothly, but she said it, and the delighted guy gave her his number without being a dick at all about it - just a genuine sense of excitement and flattery.

I was sitting there, dumbfounded. Where did this chick get the balls to do that?


Steph! said...

The big question will be if the Italian heartthrob answers the phone when she calls... OR, having forgotten that he gave out his number, if he will agree to go out with her once he realizes it's "the Starbucks girl".

Anonymous said...

I recall doing some shit like that when I was never worked. In my opinion not because I wasn't good looking enough. Maybe it has to do with appearing a little crazy...
Anyway, I think it also depends on intention and who is doing the chase. Does she want more than a fuck? Does the guy get an ego-boost that makes him think he can do better?
It is definitely liberating to go up to a man and tell him exactly what you think, but I haven't seen or heard of it being effective when it come to women asking men out. Someone please share a success story!