Monday, October 20, 2008

Why Andy Hasn't Been Discovered Yet

Malcolm Gladwell consistently writes entertaining contrarian articles and books. This one is about "late blooming genius." It contrasts Picasso and Cezanne. He tries to undermine the concept of genius as being associated with precocity.

I think he is largely right to separate and discuss different ways genius develops. But I also get this twinge of a thought...what's such the big deal with genius anyway? I like a good book, song, or work of art as much as the next guy. What's the worth in identifying genius? I haven't read any Jonathan Safron Foer, so perhaps I ought to temper what I say here, but this seems like a pretty low bar for calling someone a genius. All these Dave Eggers, David Foster Wallace, post modern hipster authors, to me, don't quite feel like geniuses. Maybe I don't understand the meaning of the word. Maybe I don't care enough.

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