Wednesday, August 03, 2005


(As I rub my hands together). USC is implementing big sibs - little sibs program. Excellent. I responded immediately. I want a little sib to either a) Be a hot chick with hot chick friends or b) Be a cool dude I can mold into my own image. Awesome.

1. What is your name?
2. How many semesters have you been enrolled in the MFA Production Program?
3. Do you prefer a little brother, little sister, or do you have no preference?
4. Would you be willing to be a big sibling to more than one student?
5. What areas of filmmaking are you especially interested in (editing, cinematography, production design, etc)?
6. Who are a few favorite directors of yours?
7. What are a few of your favorite films?
8. What did you do prior to enrolling at USC?
9. What is your phone number and email address?

The downside is that the odds are I'll have a lame little sibling - some communist or feminist or terrorist, if Chris Rock proves to be correct. Oh well, can you fire them if you don't like 'em?

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