Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's All Over

Okay, so I'll be the first to admit, I thought all of our problems were solved with Chris Walken running for president. But let's see him handle this problem.

The basic premise is that we are utterly and completely reliant on oil and we're quickly running out. Okay, nothing new there, but this doomsday writing is a little more on the intellectual, non-partisan, smart side, pointing out all sorts of important "NEW" factors, and just basically being an exhaustive look at our current oil condition. This alone may justify the Iraq invasion (since I've been searching for new and creative ways to justify the war in absentia of WMDs or Saddam-Al Queda connections).

1. All known "alternatives" to oil are problematic because most of them require energy to be produced. Rather than true "alternatives," they ought to be defined as oil "derivatives."

2. Oil doesn't need to run out to initiate price shocks, instead, it simply need to peak in production capacity. Once we have reached the peak, the steady downward supply will initiate massive price increases. That peak is near. Woohahhaha.

3. Oil doesn't just operate cars - it is the life blood of the world economy, all trade, manufacturing, farming, EVERYTHING requires oil and importantly, all prices are affected by oil prices. So when the price of oil increases, we see a short term bump in gas prices, but will also see a long term bump in ALL prices that require transportation or energy because the production costs increase. Goddammit.

Can we just take over the entire middle east already...and Canada while we're at it and get those massive sand reserves flowing.

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