Tuesday, August 30, 2005

But "The Truth" is Soooo Passe

An article from the American Thinker. Money quote:

Since the war is a two-front war, a shooting war and a war of truth against falsehood, it is a war that our armed forces cannot win by themselves. Every American has a responsibility to the truth. Abdicating this responsibility and forcing the military to fight alone is stupid, selfish, self-defeating, shortsighted, and immoral.

1 comment:

Dan Kauffman said...

Yes I consider the present conflict not only a shooting War but a Meme War between opposing Philosophys

To wit those who wish Society to be structured so that it is in the Total Control of an oligarchic elite and those who place primary value on the Rights,Liberty, Freedom and Responsibilities of the Individual.

From this perspective the Jihadists and the Far Left are allies,

The Ideal Society for both groups is structured the same, though they may disagree about exactly who will run things the FORM of Society for both is identical.

And for both the US its allies and the ideals of egalitarian equality are their mortal enemies.