Friday, June 03, 2005


Maybe it's worth looking into abandoning a real politik approach to foreign policy and looking into a new, humanitarian approach, where policy is rooted in certain humanistic codes, like the bill of rights, etc.

I mean, this shit does not end, and a more comprehensive, humanistic approach would account for nearly all our major problems - human slavery, terrorism, starvation, disease, hunger, etc.

But in the end, it is the issue of colonialism, Conrad's heart of darkness.

The truth is that human history is a tale of suffering, nasty, brutish, short. The West is the execption, not the rule. When we dabble, we do not cure, we stain ourselves. The only answer is Empire and we all know that Empire will eventually come crashing down from Hubris and resentment. The question is whether it is worth the try...

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