Sunday, June 05, 2005


This morning there was an odd guy talking about the Iraq war and snidely remarking about the Koran abuse scandel, about how the army released new info about someone kicking a Koran and various other "abusive" things on Friday night, so as to avoid the news cycle.

Is it just me or is the real issue not about whether there was Koran abuse, but why it upsets certain Muslims so much that they think killing is an appropriate response? I mean, I'm for respecting other cultures and religions, but let's be real, the Koran is a published book. I understand that for Muslims, they believe the Koran is the word of God...but, they have to be able to distinguish between the words of God and the way the book was actually made and what the book symbolizes. These are all different things and to cojoin them together is a primitive and backwards (un-PC words) way of understanding the world.

What gets me is that folks on left are so frigging cynical about the army and the war, they make desecrating the Koran a big offensive issue...YET, it is the same left that thinks we ought to be able to burn flags and burn bibles if we want to - that this is some type of test of liberty. It makes no frigging sense.

The fact is this: people don't give a shit about whether we are desecrating the Koran or abusing terrorists as prisoners. In fact, if they were in the same position of guarding these guys, they would probably do the exact same thing. And to me, this starts to get at the crux of things, the left who purports to express horror at prisoner abuse would NEVER even consider being a prisoner guard or a soldier battling against terrorists or actually having to deal with Islamic Fundamentalists or Bathists. As Vincent Gallo says about Hollywood, "they wouldn't lower themselves to spend a moment of time in the room with the people the purport to care about."

The left likes to whine about how cruel the adminstration and the army are because they feel safe doing so. Yet they don't even want to address dealing with a much larger and horrific issue of how to deal with Fascists who would sooner kill you than listen to your point of view.

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