Tuesday, December 01, 2009

District 9

This supposedly awesome movie didn't pass the sleep test. I tried watching it twice over Thanksgiving Weekend and fell asleep twice. Bad writing. And come to think of it, I wasn't much enamored with the whole concept. Like many movies these days, it failed to live up to the hype. It had good posters and a good marketing campaign. It was cool they set a sci-fi movie in South Africa. That's about it. The documentary style and handheld - been there, done that. Main character was kinda interesting - a bit of a doofus - and unintentionally funny. But none of the science made any sense and after all, if the Aliens had all this kick ass weaponry, why didn't they fight? Also hated the transparent and stupid "socially relevant" attempt at a message. I mean, honestly, who advocates putting immigrants into concentration camps? No one. So what am I supposed to take away? We should treat aliens that look like giant insects like human beings? No thanks, much more fun to blow them to pieces.

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