Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm Not Homophobic

But I find homophilia/metrosexual culture boring and I rightfully make fun of it. For this, I get charged with homophobia. It would akin to saying "I don't like rap music," and getting accused of being racist. Luckily, I like some rap music. Like Eminem and Vanilla Ice. Okay, joking. I like Eminem, but not Vanilla Ice. Nevertheless, reading riffs on the dating chaos article and this is not my experience.

Since I was a teenager, I’ve found old-school machismo pathetic and somehow irrelevant to the problem of becoming a man. Without even knowing what or why it was, I was heavily influenced by gay culture, which provided me, and many other straight young men, a wide variety of templates for manhood that are at once unmistakably masculine, playfully ironic, aesthetic, emotionally open, and happily sexual. You can be manly and care about shoes!!! I’ll confess that I used to periodically regret my heterosexuality because there seemed to be greater scope for constructing a distinctive and satisfying male identity within gay culture. I think that’s telling. And the virulent homophobia that remains in most American dude subcultures has cut most young men off from the possibility of modeling their manhood after any of the delightful variety of types available to the homophile.

Cough. Cough. Douche Bag. Cough. Cough.

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