Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Some liberals are threatening a Whole Foods Boycott...not because their prices are overinflated, but instead because the CEO wrote an op-ed in the WSJ about healthcare.

First off, this boycott has nothing to do with Whole Foods practices as a business. They are boycotting because the boss has an opinion differing from theirs. The ridiculousness of such an attitude confounds me. It would be one thing if Whole Foods refused healthcare to their employees or hired sweat shop labor. Al contrere, the issue is that Whole Foods DOES provide a good healthcare service to their employees and the CEO has an opinion about how other Americans might benefit from a similar system (oh yes, it differs from Obama's plan). Furthermore, the man has a right to do and write whatever the f--- he wants. It has nothing to do with his job as CEO or how he runs his business. That's like boycotting In and Out because one of the managers at a store is pro-choice. What does one have to do with the other? I could see protesting In and Out if they were performing abortions in the bathrooms, but if you only bought goods and services from like minded folks - political speaking - well, I'd be hard pressed to find where I could spend money.

Secondly, the original article is amazingly smart and simple and makes a lot of sense to me. It seems to me we ought to be listening to someone who actually runs a large business that offers good health insurance and manages to control costs. In other words, someone who made a sustainable system. As opposed to tossing the job to the Federal Government who we all know is simply going to borrow a bunch of money to pay for health insurance for everyone in a way to buy political support. In other words, make ANOTHER unsustainable system, like Social Security.

The debate is broken. This man steps in to offer his expertise and liberals want to punish him for it. Cannibals.

PS - nevertheless, Al Swearengen would never had made this faux pax. Knowing your customers are ridiculous limousine liberals who pay $8 for organic lemonade, it is very bad business to criticize anything within orbit of El Presidente Obama.

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