Saturday, September 30, 2006

What I Love About Blogs

When you come across a new one. Blogs are so personal, have so much voice. This is the first time I've read this one, but it's so clearly a new, free, independent sounding voice, it's not like anything you can read in a newspaper. It's like a tidal wave of thoughts, where you see a whole new person, and how they view the world. It's like some sort of magical portal or something into a brain. It's really quite amazing.

In any case, he writes about the unnecessary divisions between the "screw them," vs. "understand them" crowds. We are, of course, talking about Islam/Islamicists. I clearly fall into the "screw them," crowd, for which I am completely unapologetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I clearly fall into the "screw them," crowd, for which I am completely unapologetic."

The Jihadists are counting on America to adopt this same worldview. It's the only way they can win, to bait us into overly aggressive moves in the wrong direction. (Of course, if you really wanted to screw them that would require understanding them enough to know how they could be screwed, but that would probably take too much time and trouble.)