Wednesday, September 20, 2006

USC and LA Times

In the sports section of the LA Times today there was an article (need registration, bad link) about USC underproviding student tickets to the Nebraska game, causing a ruckus near the student gate. The beginning of the article:

"Students Take USC to Task Over Tickets
By David Wharton
In a Tuesday night meeting punctuated by bursts of shouting and hissing, USC students vented their anger at administrators over policy changes that resulted in a crush of bodies outside the Coliseum before Saturday's game against Nebraska. >>"

The USC official response to the incident, which resulted in a bunch of people getting smashed and scared at the gate of the football game was something to the effect that "we had no idea something like this could happen."

This is total bullshit. Last year, I attended a couple USC football games and getting into the stadium for student was CRAZY. One time, people started pushing in the big line before the gate and others started screaming and pushing back. It was the closest to a stampede I've ever been involved with. Some douche bag frat guy was purposefully starting it and then some Mexican dudes started threatening to kick his ass. Girls were screaming to stop, police were around, but couldn't really do anything.

It bordered on chaos. And this happened LAST YEAR. When I read about this before a huge game like the Nebraska game and someone pleads ignorance, well, that's either bad communication from the ground up, or negligence. Either way, it's fucked up.

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