Sunday, February 27, 2005


Is this news? Does it deserve to be the front spot on CNN.


Steph! said...

I'll tell you this much... it wouldn't be front page news on if it weren't a little White girl.

Greg said...

EASY, Farrakhan...I'm not sure if this is a race issue so much as a "I don't have shit to say today issue."

Steph! said...

Maybe so... but really, when was the last time you saw the press in an uproar over a child who was missing and wasn't White. In the stories that received the most press coverage (in recent memory), they've been white kids.

Even if you intended to discuss the validity of news that appears frivolous, you could acknowledge my idea instead of dismissing it as troubling "race talk."

Greg said...

Jesus. If you want validation, go to therapist, not the blogosphere.

Let's be honest - most of the kidnapped kids are from "red-state," honky areas - that's where the serial killers and kidnappers tend to kick it.

But fuck it - the media is racist.

Steph! said...

You are compensating for a lack of anything constructive to say in response to my critique by going into attack mode. Not once did I apply any kind of criticism of your character to my analysis of the media's coverage of kidnapping.

Steph! said...

Really, Greg... it isn't what you say but how you say it. You continuously find new and exciting ways to get personal and piss me off.

Greg said...

Relax Stephanie...I have a long track record for not being the most sensitive person, so you must expect me to dish it as I see it.

How about them oscars?

Steph! said...

Thank you, Nate! Your explanation was exactly the kind I was interested in getting.

Really, it's apathy, not racism.