Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Camera Placement

Just got a good crash course in camera placement for a scene in M Uno's class where I was a substitute actor for much to learn, but Uno really broke it down, shot for shot, the nuts and bolts of cutting together a scene and how to shoot with that in mind. Very helpful.

Basically, he begins with the line...busting out his pink string and makes the actors hold the line. Then he puts the camera down for the main shot, whether it be a master or whatever; and then he uses a second camera (to simulate the next set up) to show where one will need to place the camera to get the shot to cut to. Then, as the actors move and the blocking is set...he does the same thing for the other shots. Once you get in a roll, you really break down the scene and feel like you're doing something purposeful - which is good.

Although I like the work I've done in Kagan so far, I wonder if taking Uno for this class and Kagan for advanced might have been a better move. Too late now.

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