Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stupid, Funny Moment Perfect For A Blog Entry

Yesterday I was at the gym. I hate the gym. I go almost every day for rehab on my ACL surgery. I never speak to anyone at the gym. I hate most of the people at the gym with their stupid obsession with improving their bodies at the expense of doing something interesting. It is true that repetitive boring exercises improve your heath and body and sports performance. I wish I had the discipline, maybe I would have been a better soccer player or baseball player or whatever. But I just hate it so much. I'd so much rather be doing 50000000 different things. Like playing. Or reading. Or taking a poop.

Yesterday, I'm stretching before my jogging exercises. I'm always looking around at the people at the gym. It's really the only thing to do. A body catches my eye. She is ridiculous. Boobs so unnaturally enormous and perky...the only odder thing was her incredibly skinny frame. She was older. I didn't have control over my eyes. I mean, this person mutated themselves to tap into evolutionary instincts that are far above and beyond my control. But I'm not a disgusting douche or at least try not to be. So I'm not trying to stare. But my eyes get caught on her for a minute as she slowly exits frame. And somehow, from right behind her, is another girl - just a regular normal looking girl and our eyes somehow perfectly lock. She caught me looking. Or maybe I caught her looking. A slight smile creeps across her face. For some unknown reason I shake my head gently - an acknowledgment of both seeing something ridiculous and getting caught staring at it. She starts laughing her ass off and then I can't help but laugh also.

And that's it.


andy v said...

Can you fix this post so the part of the story where you fuck the girl in the gym is not omitted.

Greg said...

yikes viner...that sounds like the type of thing to only happen on your blog.

andy v said...

yeah, i think the isolation might be getting to me.