Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Iran and The Bomb

A lengthy and scary article about how Israel will bomb Iran in the next 12 months if nothing is done to prove their nuclear innocence.

A different question, of interest to me - what would happen if Iran got the bomb?

It is clear they would not, the day after going nuclear, simply bomb Tel Aviv and thus guarantee their own destruction by Israel's reprisal. What they would do is pretty clear: saber rattle and give a nuclear umbrella to their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas to up attacks against Israel. They would embolden Islamic Fundamentalists everywhere to step up provocations. It would force smaller Arab countries to make alliances with Iran. It would be like a crazy neighbor in your apartment carrying around a loaded machine gun. You would be 90% sure he wasn't going to use it, but probably, to be on the safe side, move out when you got a chance.

Can we afford this scenario? To cede this area to the crazies? I wish we could.

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