Thursday, August 26, 2010


Mark Steryn breaks it down.

On the other hand, "Islamophobia" is not phony or even psychological but very literal - if you're a Dutch member of parliament or British novelist or Danish cartoonist in hiding under threat of death or a French schoolgirl in certain suburbs getting jeered at as an infidel whore, your Islamophobia is highly justified. But Islam's appropriation of the gay lobby's framing of the debate is very artful. It's the most explicit example of how Islam uses politically correct self-indulgent victimology as a cover. You'll recall that most Western media outlets declined to publish those Danish cartoons showing the Prophet Mohammed. Thus, even as they were piously warning of a rise in bogus "Islamophobia" - i.e., entirely justified concerns over Islamic terrorism and related issues - they were themselves suffering from genuine Islamophobia - i.e., a very real fear that, if they published those cartoons, an angry mob would storm their offices. It was a fine example of how the progressive mind's invented psychoses leave it without any words to describe real dangers.

There's definitely a creepy relationship between the mindset of so called "progressives" and "Islamicists." These two ought to be mortal enemies, yet rarely do they stand in one another's way and oftentimes seem to have a sort of dysfunction respect for one another. Just a case of the weaklings finding strength from one another - a bit like Kenny Powers and Stevie's relationship.

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