Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Gays Can Be Unhappily Married, Too

A federal judge Wednesday struck down a California ban on same-sex marriages as unconstitutional, according to reports.

The ruling by Judge Vaughn R. Walker of Federal District Court in San Francisco represents an important victory for gay rights advocates in a case that many believe may end up eventually going to the United States Supreme Court.

Now gays have the same rights as straights to make each other miserable. But seriously, how can this not be interpreted as egregious judicial activism? Regardless of how you feel on the matter, surely you can't say the Founding Fathers intended gay marriage in the Constitution or even in the spirit of the Constitution. Also, if you believe in Propositions (which I don't), the public will in California pretty clearly voted no for gay marriage. So is this really the best way to effect social change? Let judges decide for all of us? I'm not sure it is.

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