Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not A Huge Surprise

WaPo editorial: Obamanomics have failed.

I guess it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that economics isn't the strong suit of Obama presidency. This is what you get when you vote for a guy who has never run a business and for some reason is proud of being a community organizer (still unclear what that is and am fairly certain it didn't make anyone any strikes me as just a form of charity, trying to guilt people into giving over money...correct me if I'm wrong).

Still, I thought he was a smart enough guy to know what he didn't know and entrust the economy people who know what they are doing. You might argue no one knows what they are doing in a global economy this complex. Perhaps. But leadership is a tricky thing and one sets a tone about what is acceptable and what is not and the people follow suit. Now it seems - for whatever reason - Obama's economic team has created a strange mish-mash of practical choices and ideological choices - ie limited stimulus, going after universal healthcare that seems to stem from Obama's POV of the world. It isn't working in the same way Iraq wasn't working. You could say - well, the Obama economic plan will work EVENTUALLY in the same way you could say Iraq will EVENTUALLY be a functioning state...

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