Thursday, August 05, 2010

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

It is a little disappointing to find a proponent of more government spending and more taxes - avoiding taxes - again. I suppose it isn't surprising, but it sort of makes Kerry difficult to take seriously.

Don't think the issue of personal behavior isn't lost on people. Again, Al Gore's rants about global warming - whether they are true or not - get lost on me when he flies on private jets and causes a much larger carbon footprint than me and my whole family put together. The issue on global warming isn't so much whether it is happening or not, but whether there is anything we can do about it. Especially given the sacrifices the biggest global warming activists aren't willing to make.

And regarding taxes, there's this:

Note how all this wealth was made: John Edwards made it summarizing personal-injury cases against doctors; Al Gore by hyping a global-warming Armageddon and then offering psychological and concrete ameliorations for it; John Kerry by marrying someone who had married someone who had inherited it. This suggests that some of the most influential of the rich Democratic elite don’t have much experience with the role of low taxes or less regulation in fostering profitable, capital-creating enterprises.

Like I said, do as I say, not as I do.

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