Monday, October 25, 2004


I saw this movie the other night, not with the highest's a road trip movie, two buddies, one getting married in a week - going to wine country to drink and play golf and eat.

I completely and untterly enjoyed it. I think it's the movie I've most enjoyed this year after Collateral...Shaun of the Dead is probably 3rd. This movie captured some fantastic moments, the feeling of the road trip, the frustrating self-defeating antics with women, hilarious sexual situations, fat naked people, a diatribe on wine drinking that made we want to know about wine and drink and drink. And it was so fun at times, two buddies hanging out with two cool chicks. It made me miss times like that and wish I had more of them, and more time in general.

It makes me think, simple is better. I don't think they took a lot of time to light. I think they concentrated on performance and made something quite magical at times. They accomplished cheese without making me guilty about liking it - the discussion about why the Paul G character loves Pinot. Great.

Also watched Friday Night Lights as part of a double feature. I liked this movie as well, not quite as much. Male melodrama done quite well. I heard it on the radio somwhere, some guy was saying that he had a great relationship with his father, but that for some reason, seeing father-son movies or stories that capture the difficult and detached nature of that relationship nearly always made him cry. I sometimes feel the same way and the end of Friday Night Lights, almost made me cry.

They skip bleached the whole damn movie.

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