Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Shakespeare Was Right

Each human life is a tragedy, all of human existence is a comedy.

This just proves it. (I can't link the article yet, LA Times on Saddam's mindset). I've always wondered why Saddam never just came out and said, "Look, I don't have WMDs." It made no sense to me. What a collosal fool, I thought. But in his own foolish logic, this article somewhat explains it...he pretended to have WMDs to deter Iran. Interesting.

The world is such a weird freaky place. The whole Iraq thing may in hindsight turn into a huge joke from a historical standpoint...a basis for Monty Python film. I will note, no one pointed out the foolishness of the whole thing...the anti-war folks were consistantly angry and perturbed about the war, never ones to mock the whole idea.

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