Monday, July 12, 2004

Why Terror is Such A Problem...

as if it wasn't self evident. But on a rational, logical level, this article about Zarqawi tells an interesting story. Basically, he has no reason to hate the US. In fact, he liked the US growing up.

His hatred stems more from being a retarded thug looking for a role in the world. First, he was a drunk, then a wannabe soldier, then a journalist, then a criminal, then a criminal leader, then a terrorist organizer. He's hardly an great example of someone with a legitimate protest of American hemegony in the world. He's the product of clever advertising. Islamic fundamentalism gained steamed and press in 1998 with Al Queda. Queda became cool amongst criminals. This wayward guy had nothing to do with his life, he was tough, and found himself useful to terrorists.

Islamic Fundamentalism gives cover to thugs and criminals to act out violence the way children fight when frustrated. Toothless Arab governments give cover to Islamic Fundamentalism, allowing it grow and flourish because they cannot provide a better alternative. France gives cover to Arab governments because the money that can be made trading and because they are unfriendly to the US. And so did we, in the past give cover to these groups, but I think it's worth it to change those policies.

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