Monday, July 26, 2004

Israel was Bought

I don't know the history of this, nor do I have the complete article link, but here's an interesting tidbit.

"Although Palestinians have legitimate grievances, there is absolutely nohistorical basis to their claims - some of which are utterly ridiculous -that Palestine is exclusively theirs and that the Jews "stole" their land.  My family - and Jewish settlers did not, as it is often claimed by Arabs,seize land, but rather they bought it. Critics and foes of Israel should recollect that the state of Israel was established by the Jews on Jewish and legitimately purchased land. And it was blessed by the United Nations and recognized by nations of the world, most notably the United States."


In my book "Israel's War: A History Since 1947," I put it thisway: "The Jews did not...'rob' the Arabs or 'steal' their land, but ratherthey bought it from them. As for the Arab aristocracy of landowners whohad sold the land to the Jews, they did so voluntarily and with open eyes."


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