Sunday, July 11, 2004


Nice movie to watch on a Criterion Collection DVD. Loved the music, couldn't place where I have heard it before...some other film, I'm sure.

I found the political statement of the film interesting, especially after reading this article about Islamic Fundamentalism having roots in Euro-leftist thought...this film seemed to be an exemplar of that Euro-leftist thought, the arrogant American seducing love away from the emasculated young Frenchman. The corruption of money. The disconnect between the way things are versus the way they could be...and the obession of the left of wishing things were a different way.

And also the final scene, the death of love and America at the hands of an oil truck. Interesting given today's politics.

Was it about the man giving up his wife for the American, for the money...he was aware of it, wasn't he? She fell out of love with him immediately. A nice, generational film. Childish in a way. Full of wishful thinking.

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