Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I, Robot and other things

After watching some heavy movies over the weekend, I reminded myself what a movie can be -instead of this arty-BS and saw I Robot.  It wasn't great, but wasn't terrible.  I was ENTERTAINED.  I will say, though, it needed one massive action scene at the end, when the humans and robots have a huge battle.  It would have awesome, the stage was set for it, but instead the entire end sequence was a bunch of Robots trying to kill Will Smith (the sequence was pretty good and they did some cool shit with the camera, spinning it around in a circles and in all sorts of 3-D space.  They should have used the Star Wars convention, with a big battle interspliced with a small fight.

I think I'm working too hard.  I'm doing this job, this internship, and working on the 546, and I'm not writing at all.  Either somethings gotta give or I have figure out how to squeeze in school next fall.  I'd like to stick around the intership, but I'd also need to stick around the job...and I also need to do the school thang.  Man, I dunno.  Too much to do in too little time.

My friend wrote to me about the Sudan.  I've touched on it before, but don't have much to say.  I don't know why, as a world, we can't stop things like this from happening.  You've got a government encouraging the forced displacement and humiliation of a particular race...the Arabs are lashing out on the Blacks.  It's got all the horrible things you read about in history books and look down up those who lived under such conditions and allowed such things to happen on their watch.  But here we are 2004 and the same horrific shit is happening under our noses and we can't or won't do a damn thing about it. 

And I for one, am overly concerned with seeing the Bourne Identity, trying to a poker game going, and possibly acting in one of my classmates movies.  It's too hard to think that way, though, constantly second guessing and feeling guily about my own position and somehow doesn't feel quite accurate anyway...like I could save anyone's life or make anything different.

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