Thursday, May 20, 2004

Syria, Syria, Syria....

when are they going to get it? They are calling the sanctions both a joke and a humiliation.

Well, which is it? This is the big lie that's being pounded down to the people of the middle east - the US is both powerless and the cause of their humiliation. First, it's a joke. But second, it's terribly humiliating.

I can't tell you how goddamn tired I am about hearing how humiliating our policy is toward the Arabs. Shut the fuck up and stop whining already!?!

In this article they point to Syria's support of the US invasion of Kuwait as if we should be thankful to them. Wha? Isn't that completely backwards? They should be thanking us for stopping Hussein from taking over the whole region.

Now looking back, maybe we should have let Saddam take over the region. I wonder...according to the UN and the Arab world, Saddam was so containable, perhaps it would have been more beneficial to us to let Saddam control the region and just deal with him, get our oil, and not give a shit about the people over there. Why not? Saddam never showed any animosity towards us, until after we beat him back. We could have just traded with him and we probably would not have any problem with Arab terrorists. Just let Saddam and the Mullah's and Al Queda's fight it out amongst themselves, we trade with both and keep our hands clean.

Then would everyone be happier and better off? Well, we would be, at least.

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