Thursday, January 12, 2012

University of California Bans Smoking

In 2014 all smoking will be banned on UC Campuses.

When the anti-smoking stuff started in California, I thought it was a good idea. It makes bars and restaurants nicer. The skeptics said it was a slippery slope and soon they would try to ban smoking all together. Whhhaaa? I said. Well, the skeptics were right. You give the nanny state an inch, they will take a mile.

PS - Opponents of Obama's healthcare plan argue the exact same thing - that when government controls healthcare, they will use it as justification to stop all sorts of bad behavior like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating red meat, fast food. Look - it's happening right in front of our eyes. What reason do we have to believe this won't occur?

Do we want to live in a country like this? I think the answer is self evident.

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