Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Film: Carnage

I wish more great directors would try projects like this -- small project that test their basic skills. I'd almost watch this a second time just to watch the blocking. Polanaksi is so clever. The movie doesn't feel "stuck" in the single apartment, even though the whole thing takes place there. He does this by clever blocking, arranging the characters physically in the space where they are emotionally at the moment and then just picking the right angle to shoot. I'd have to watch again to understand all the subtleties. The performances are great. Christoph Waltz is fantastic. There are a few writing things I "bumped" on, but I was forgiving because the essential ideas in the play-turned-movie were compelling enough for me so say "fine, that didn't pass the smooth, real life test, but I'm willing to go along for the ride for the sake of the story." Movies can get away with a little of that. Less than plays and sitcoms, but a little.

I'd don't want to spoil anything, but there is one moment in the film that for me, tops the list of moments-like-that in movies. I suppose this makes no sense, but I'd rather not ruin it for anyone else.

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