Sunday, May 15, 2011


Film: Bridesmaids. I only liked it okay. It is the first of what I imagine will be many harder edged female-penned comedies both in TV and Film as I read a lot of scripts from young writers and this is a growing trend. I fear none of these, Bridesmaids included, will be as good as 30 Rock or Parks and Rec, however. Bridesmaids was superior to Sex and the City, but inferior to the Hangover and House Bunny and the aformentioned tv shows. It was worth seeing once and I doubt will merit a 2nd viewing for this guy.

TV: Friday Night Lights (final season) and Breaking Bad (ep 7-10 season 2). My two favorite teenage guy portrayals in TV or movies recently are in FNL and Breaking Bad. Luke Cafferty will not seduce the ladies like the hunky hearthrob Tim Riggins, but he is becoming my favorite male character in the history of the show (behind the coach). He is vulnerable yet confident, tough and polite, happy as number 2 to Vince...and vital to the team and to the show. Reminds me a bit of Sylvio's role in the Soprano family. Yeah, I pretty much love the character. The other great teenage male character is the handicapped son in Breaking Bad. He had one of the greatest moments of the show as an aftermath to the incredible season 2 scene where his father forces him to drink tequila shots him with Uncle Hank. His father apologizes to him about his behavior the next day and the son says, "But I kept up, didn't I?" The father, realizing something innate and tragic about the male species - himself included - cannot respond and just walks away. One of my favorite moments thus far in FNL's final season on the away trip and the coach happens to be overhearing four of the guys talking on porch late at night. They don't overplay the moment, but just seeing the coach listening to four young guys taking and becoming men, captures what they show has become about.

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