Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Like How He Thinks

This guy is known for chastising grad school, but even better is this quip:

people complain that I’m bitter and angry and offer no alternative to graduate school.

Here’s the alternative: Admit that adult life is scary because there is no clear path to success. Grad school is not a quick fix for the fears of adulthood. Instead, be grateful for the chance to be lost – it means you’re living your own life, because no one can make choices in the exact same way you can, whether they are right or wrong.

So all there is for adult life is you, following your nose, trying to figure out what brings you joy. Each time I see someone who has done that, in some little way, I feel relief and hope for myself.

Because the commenters are in some ways right. When you're 22-25 years old the only jobs available to you are lame. You have no real world contacts or skills, so it is difficult to imagine trying to start your own business. You have no confidence or authority, nor should you. So grad school becomes an attractive offer. But it doesn't make it a good one, as he said. Sort of like when you're single, internet dating looks like a good idea.

Tough need to factor in time as well. You can't really do grad school when you're older and have more responsibilities. And if you want to be a lawyer, well, there's only one way. I don't think it is as cut and dry as this guy argues although I certainly think too many people go to grad school.

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