Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Vote Steve Forbes

In hindsight, doesn't Forbes flat tax idea look pretty appealing? Check this story out.

The American Dream is to be successful. The old saying goes, “You can never be too rich or too thin”! But, with each extra dollar I earn, the government is going to take 50% (or more) of it. Is it really worth it? Come on, I’m never going to be a millionaire. For me, having more money means being able to go on a “flying” vacation as opposed to driving to Florida to visit my folks. It means going out to eat at someplace nicer than Chili’s once a week, buying slightly nicer clothes and maybe a new car every 5 years or so. We aren’t buying a second home in the Hampton’s.

Realistically, I could choose not to pay my mortgage and live in my house for at least a year (more if I can get creative about it). I live in a state where I can actually quit my job AND collect unemployment for 2 full years. Here is the math. If I collect unemployment and my husband stays employed, we can continue to live “fine”. We’ll be paycheck to paycheck and won’t have any disposable income but I would have oodles of time. I could volunteer at the kid’s school, scrapbook, exercise every day and watch Oprah.

When people like me seriously question whether or not to work, there is something very very wrong with our tax system.”

Hope and change. I have a feeling a lot of people are going through the same thing -- and these are the people that make our society function -- people who run and operate companies and are productive. Lost in the liberal dream of government providing for everyone: who pays for it. Always someone else...

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