Friday, October 22, 2010


Kaus gets a prize for being one of the O.B. (Original Bloggers - I count him, Andrew Sullivan, Drudge, Instapundit...maybe I'm missing someone) and running against Boxer and being harshly critical of Democrats as a Democrat and having super good bits. But he also gets the prize for sloppiest and most difficult to read blog format. He reminds me of a dude I went to school with who was super smart but a total slob and would come into class like that Peanuts character with dirt surrounding him, just a total mess and slop trying to find his homework in an overstuffed backpack full of loose papers. Anyhow, here is the good bit.

Update: Peter Thiel emails:

One critical point, that I have perhaps not stressed enough: We have a runaway debt bubble in education, and the costs of servicing these debts makes it much harder for students to take a number of lower-paying salaries (in non-profits, in start-ups, and indeed in a range of intangibly rewarding jobs). Effectively, our education system is steering people away from the high-risk careers that will take our civilization to its next level. This is a relatively recent change, and I don't think the debt levels were so daunting in the 1970s or 1980s.


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