Monday, October 04, 2010


David Denby compares the dialog in The Social Network to Ben Hecht and Preston Sturges. I beg to differ. The similarities stop with speed. Sure, they speak fast in The Social Network and other Aaron Sorkin shows. But in Sorkin's dialog, the speak is a bullying, aggressive, smarter-than-though sort. It is speed that covers up vacuity. There is no purpose to the speak more than "winning." Hecht and Sturges are more playful. More artful. More joyous. Their dialog is pleasurable in-and-of itself. There is a one-ups-manship to it, but for fun, for joy, not for destruction. Sorkin is out to destroy an opponent. Hecht and Sturges dialog is about bringing out the best conversation in the other. The difference between a teammate and an enemy. The similarities end with the speed.

Tarantino's early stuff is closer to Hecht and Sturges in terms of the joy and art of speaking. But in terms of dialog, the trophy still belongs to the Sopranos if you ask me...(paraphrasing)

Tony (on cell): He worked for the department of the interior.
Paulie (on cell) : What? I can't hear you.
Tony: HE WORKED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR. A fucking Russian Green Beret.
Paulie: What? Shit. (hangs up cell phone)

Paulie (to christopher): Fucking lost service. The guy's an interior decorator.
Christopher: Really? His apartment looked like shit.

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